
Council Report: S 57/2020

Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment for 930 Marion Avenue Applicant: Berkshire 930 Marion Inc. – Ward 4


Date to Council: May 11, 2020 Author: Simona Simion Planner II Research and Policy Support Email: Phone: 519-255-6543 x6397 Planning & Building Services Report Date: April 20, 2020 Clerk’s File #: ZB/13730

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of Plan 575, Lot 67 to 75; N Pt Lot 66, S Pt Lot 75; former De Santis School and Science City (Roll No. 030-210-06300-0000), located on the South East corner of Niagara Street, and Marion Avenue, municipally known as 930 Marion Avenue from ‘Institutional District 1.4’ (ID 1.4) to ‘Residential District 3.15’ (RD 3.15) with site specific exceptions to allow existing setbacks and permitting the following uses: Lodging House, Multiple Dwelling or Residential Care Facility.

Executive Summary:



Key Map: