• The amount that best approximates each member's net income adjusted as outlined above and based on the Service Manager's projections of income and deductions for the 12-month period beginning on the first day of the month following the month in which the application is considered.

The Service Manager provides the calculated amount on Schedule 2 form (Income Tax Filing Exemption) of the application.

During each annual renewal, the benefit is calculated by MOF using the household members' assessed income from the federal income tax return from CRA for the most recent tax year.

Using AFNI to define income is consistent with other modern forms of assistance, such as the Ontario Child Benefit, and as of July 1, 2020, simplified RGI calculation rules for social housing tenants.

6.4 Interaction with Social Assistance

Under Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program, recipients receive a shelter allowance as a portion of their monthly entitlement up to a maximum amount based on actual shelter costs and household size. Social assistance recipients are eligible to receive the maximum shelter amount if their shelter costs exceed the maximum.

The Ontario Works Act, 1997 and the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997 allow for housing benefits to be exempted as income, where approved, up to the difference between actual shelter costs (e.g., rent, utilities) and the actual shelter allowance payable (which is capped at maximum shelter costs).

For social assistance recipients, consistent with the PHB Framework, the same portable housing benefit calculation formula applies to determine the maximum benefit amount for a household. The social assistance shelter allowance will be provided in the normal fashion; however, the portable housing benefit will fill the gap between the social assistance shelter allowance and actual shelter costs, up to the maximum portable housing benefit amount.

If actual shelter costs increase or a recipient moves to a unit with higher rent, the portable housing benefit amount paid will increase but remain subject to the maximum portable housing benefit amount. In addition, if a recipient no longer receives social assistance, the portable housing benefit will be calculated as described in 6.1.

As a result, recipients receiving social assistance are required to contact the ServiceOntario Information Centre to report any changes (increases or decreases) in their shelter costs to allow MOF to adjust their COHB benefit accordingly.

Recipients receiving social assistance do not need to report month-to-month changes in utilities because shelter costs are averaged over a year.

6.5 Automated Income Verification

MOF conducts annual Automated Income Verification using CRA income tax information. As a result, all household members whose income is to be included in the benefit calculation must submit income tax return(s) to the CRA each year by April 30. Failure to submit the required income tax return(s) may result in a delay in benefit payments.