5. The Service Manager submits the completed application form to MOF by mail, along with the necessary schedules (e.g., Schedule 1: Additional Income Earners), if applicable, and the Service Manager-completed Schedule 2 form (Income Tax Filing Exemption), if applicable.

6. MOF processes the application and verifies the application is complete. If necessary, MOF follows up with the applicant, or the Service Manager, to request additional information.

7. MOF reviews completed applications and confirms eligibility based on the criteria set out in these guidelines and availability of funding.

• If eligible, MOF calculates the benefit amount either based on the Service Manager calculation of net income and AFNI or its own determination, verifies income where the Service Manager has not done so, and provides the applicant with an Eligibility Notice stating the monthly payment amount. • If ineligible, MOF informs the applicant by letter.

• If ineligible, MOF informs the applicant by letter.

8. MOF makes monthly payments to eligible households no sooner than the Effective Start Date (ESD) which is the first day of the month following the date the application was signed. With respect to how long a client would have to wait before their first monthly payment is received, MOF will make every effort to ensure that applications received by the relevant monthly cut-off date are processed for the upcoming payment date. In the event of incomplete information on an application or information that is inconsistent with CRA, the processing time may be delayed.

9. When MOF approves an applicant for the COHB program, the Service Manager provides first and last month’s rent to the applicant (as appropriate) and removes the applicant from its social housing waiting list (as necessary).

5.2 Annual Renewal Process

1. Each Spring, MOF provides program participants with an annual renewal form. Households complete and submit the annual renewal form by the deadline included in the form to confirm they comply with ongoing eligibility requirements and inform of any changes (e.g., household composition, address).

2. Annually by April 30, income earners in the household must submit a federal income tax return to the CRA to enable MOF to calculate the monthly benefit based on household income.

3. Based on the updated calculation of the household’s 3. monthly benefit, MOF provides participants with an Eligibility Notice including the benefit amount and proceeds to make monthly payments by direct deposit.

4. Participants may contact the ServiceOntario Information Centre for more information on the calculation of the monthly benefit, or to request a redetermination of their benefit amount based on changes to the information submitted to MOF with the annual renewal form.