4.1 Objectives

The COHB program is targeted to low-income renter households and will provide direct affordability support to households in housing need in order to eliminate or significantly reduce housing need in accordance with the COHB program targets and outcomes.

The program intent is to provide improved access to housing assistance to households in need through shorter wait times and more housing choice.

4.2 Targets and Outcomes

The first NHS Action Plan (2019-20 to 2021-22) will be amended to include the COHB targets and outcomes. MMAH expects over 5,000 households will receive housing assistance in the first year of the COHB program, and over 40,000 households will be assisted by 2027-28.

The COHB program is expected to achieve positive outcomes to recipients, including:

• People are better connected to housing assistance and supports to achieve housing affordability and stability;

• People have more housing choice (e.g., housing type, quality, location) and opportunities to participate in the economy and their community;

• Improved household financial well-being; and

• People have a better quality of life.

As per the Addendum to the CMHC-Ontario Bilateral Agreement, MMAH will work with CMHC to assess the COHB program's impact on recipients over the course of the program, as well as support research on the long-term impacts on recipients.

4.3 Priority Groups

The COHB program is primarily intended to support vulnerable individuals and households in housing need. The following vulnerable populations under the National Housing Strategy will have priority for COHB support:

The second priority of the COHB program is to support households in housing need living in community housing. However, when a vulnerable household is required to seek housing, (unsubsidized) community