Details of how the WEHB is calculated can be found in Appendix E.

Recipients of the WEHB will be subject to annual reviews to confirm continued eligibility for the WEHB, by

Canada Ontario Housing Benefit

The Canada Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB) is a monthly benefit paid directly to eligible low-income households. Eligible applicants will receive a monthly benefit based on the difference between 80% of the Average Market Rent (AMR) for the Windsor Essex service area and 30% of their Adjusted Family Net Income (AFNI). Like the WEHB the COHB is tied to the household and not a physical housing unit, and allows the benefit to move with the household within the Province of Ontario.

In relation to the COHB, Service Managers will be responsible for marketing activities, providing education, assisting applicants with completing forms, and submitting required documents to the Ministry of Finance (MOF). The MOF will assess applications, determine eligibility, calculate the COHB, and issue monthly COHB payments to eligible households.

Service Managers will receive administration payments of $250 per MOF approved applications for their service area, up to a maximum of 5% of their annual planning allocation.

Households assisted under the COHB program do not count towards Service Managers service level standards.