Meeting Date Motion/
CLT Member/
Executive Director
Action Status
March 2, 2020 CR112/2020 SCM 63/2020
& S 1/2020
City Engineer 1. That the report of the Community Energy Plan Administrator dated
January 3, 2020 entitled Windsor Residential Deep Energy Efficiency
Retrofit Program BE RECEIVED for information.
2. That City Council RECEIVE the attached Final Report of the Project
Working Team led by Garforth International LLC: City of Windsor
Residential Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program.
3. That Administration REPORT BACK with a detailed review of corporate
risks, benefits, grant opportunities and other relevant program details for
Council’s consideration prior to the development of Windsor’s Residential
Deep Energy Efficiency Retrofit (R-DEER) Business Plan.
March 25, 2020 CR127/2020 C 57/2020 City Treasurer THAT City Council APPROVE the following measures with regards to the
payment of property taxes:
CHANGED from April 15, 2020 to June 30, 2020; and,
the months of April, May and June CONTINUE TO BE TAKEN on the
scheduled dates unless otherwise cancelled by the property owner; and,
WILL BE CASHED unless otherwise cancelled by the property owner; and,
BE WAIVED through the period ending June 30, 2020; and,
THAT THERE BE NO late payment charges in either form, penalty
and/or interest through the period ending June 30, 2020; and,
THAT the City Solicitor AMEND the 2020 Interim Property Tax By-law as
necessary; and,
THAT administration REPORT BACK to Council in the first part of June to
outline options related to property tax late charges and due dates for
Councils consideration.