Meeting Date Motion/
CLT Member/
Executive Director
Action Status
January 7, 2019 CR4/2019 C 217/2018 Chief Administrative Officer 2
1. That City Council AUTHORIZE Administration to proceed with, and PRE-
COMMIT funding for, the additional 2018 Enhanced Capital Projects
identified in Appendix A for the 2019 calendar year; and,
. That the award of tenders or RFP’s for the identified works BE PRE-
APPROVED, subject to being within the allocated budget and in
accordance with Purchasing by-law 93-2012, and that the Chief
Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign all relevant
agreements, in form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, in financial content
satisfactory to the City Treasurer and in technical content satisfactory to the
City Engineer, City Planner or Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation,
Culture and Facilities; and,
. That Administration REPORT BACK to City Council through a
Communication Report(s) the results of all tenders that were awarded and
approved, with any that require additional funding to be reported to Council
February 4, 2019 CR35/2019 C 11/2019 City Treasurer That City Council APPROVE, as per the requirements of the Leadership
Asset Management Program (LAMP), the use of the tools and guidelines
for Triple bottom line plus (TBL+), Whole life-cycle (WLC) and Business
Case Evaluation (BCE) as developed through the LAMP grant and
approved by the Asset Planning Steering Committee; and,
That City Council DELEGATE authority to the Asset Planning Steering
Committee to provide oversight to the implementation of this framework
and to amend the guidelines and tools as may be deemed necessary as
such guidelines and tools are integrated within the Corporation; and further,
That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s
consideration on methods that could be used to accelerate the process for