identifying, preventing and removing land use barriers which restrict their full
participation in society;
1.1.3 Settlement Areas Settlement areas shall be the focus of growth and development, and their vitality
and regeneration shall be promoted. Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on:
densities and a mix of land uses which:
efficiently use land and resources;
are appropriate for, and efficiently use, the infrastructure and public
service facilities which are planned or available, and avoid the need for
their unjustified and/or uneconomical expansion;
support active transportation;
are transit-supportive, where transit is planned, exists or may be
developed; and
a range of uses and opportunities for intensification and redevelopment in
accordance with the criteria in policy, where this can be
accommodated. Planning authorities shall identify appropriate locations and promote opportunities
for intensification and redevelopment where this can be accommodated taking into
account existing building stock or areas, including brownfield sites, and the
availability of suitable existing or planned infrastructure and public service facilities
required to accommodate projected needs. Intensification and redevelopment shall
be directed in accordance with the policies of Section 2: Wise Use and
Management of Resources and Section 3: Protecting Public Health and Safety. Appropriate development standards should be promoted which facilitate
intensification, redevelopment and compact form, while avoiding or mitigating
risks to public health and safety.

Planning authorities shall provide for an appropriate range and mix of housing types
and densities to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the
regional market area by:

b) permitting and facilitating:

1. all forms of housing required to meet the social, health and well-being requirements of current and future residents, including special needs requirements; and

2. all forms of residential intensification, including second units, and redevelopment in accordance with policy;

c) directing the development of new housing towards locations where appropriate levels of infrastructure and public service facilities are or will be available to support current and projected needs;

d) promoting densities for new housing which efficiently use land, resources, infrastructure and public service facilities, and support the use of active transportation and transit in areas where it exists or is to be developed; and

e) establishing development standards for residential intensification, redevelopment and new residential development which minimize the cost of