A bartender is a paid/volunteer person(s) appointed by the Permit Holder/Host, who is over the age of 19 and who has satisfactorily proven to the Permit Holder/Host that she/he is Smart Serve trained and will act in accordance with the Municipal Alcohol Policy. Accepts tickets for the purchase of alcoholic drinks, serves drinks, monitors for intoxication, refuses service when patron appears to be intoxicated or near intoxication and offers no-alcohol substitutes.
Bar Service Area
The area from which bartenders dispense alcoholic drinks.
City refers to The Corporation of the City of Windsor.
Event Worker/Designate
A person(s) appointed by the Permit Holder/Host and acceptable to the City, who is over the age of 19 and who has satisfactorily proven to the Permit Holder/Host that she/he will act in accordance with the Municipal Alcohol Policy, and includes but is not limited to: Bartenders, Door Monitors, Floor Monitors, Security, Ticket Sellers, and Volunteers.
Door Monitor
Must be Smart Serve trained. Checks patrons for identification and signs of intoxication, keeps out intoxicated and troublesome individuals, monitors for those showing signs of intoxication when leaving the event, recommends safe transportation options and can arrange for coat checking.
Facility Staff
City official, or designate, having operational jurisdiction over a City premises.
Floor Monitor
Must be Smart Serve trained. Chats with participants, monitors patron behaviour, monitors for intoxication, responds to problems and complaints, refuses service, removes intoxicated persons, and suggests safe transportation alternatives.
Permit Holder/Host
A Permit Holder/Host is any person over the age of 19 years of age seeking to hold an event involving the serving of alcohol on City premises. She or he must attend the event, ensure that adequate Smart Serve trained staff are available, coordinates and helps staff, asks for help from security if necessary. This person signs the alcohol permit, and assumes responsibility and liability for the operation of the event.