Item No. 11.5


Council Report: C 108/2020


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That City Council RECEIVE this administrative report for consideration as requested.

Executive Summary:



At its meeting of May 25, 2020, Council received correspondence from Jan H. Westcott, President and CEO of Spirits Canada, the national trade association representing manufacturers and marketers of imported and domestic distilled spirits products. In this letter, Mr. Westcott requests the municipality review its liquor licensing by-laws, regulations and policies to ensure local bars and restaurants are not “inadvertently impeded” when seeking to resume their businesses as emergency social distancing regulations eventually ease. Council directed administration as follows:

That this correspondence BE RECEIVED to administration to allow for an administrative report for consideration at the June 1, 2020 meeting of Council addressing the 3 recommendations put forth in that correspondence, on whether these are feasible for Windsor and if there would be any ramifications.

As of May 19, 2020, bars, restaurants, outdoor picnic sites, benches and shelters in parks and recreational areas were ordered closed through Ontario Regulations 15/20 and 104/20 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (“the EMPCA”).