Most Anticipated Public Safety Challenges

This assessment has identified the most likely public safety issues/challenges that are anticipated, requiring the attention of the Windsor Police Service. These need to be recognized and addressed by the applicant to ensure an adequate maintenance of public safety, security, and general public order. In no particular order these are:


Based on reviewing the proposed site and the physical circumstances that exist, there would be some discernible risk of loitering and disorderly behaviour, althoug this is somewhat mitigated by the high amount of surrounding random traffic (both vehicular and pedestrian in nature) which helps to “self police” such a problem. Loitering represents something often correlated with disorderly conduct and needs to be prevented. Windsor Police will certainly be responsive to this through regular patrols and incident responses but the owner should remain vigilant of activity I and around his/her store during operating hours to ensure safety. If such activity was to establish and continue without being managed properly, there will be a negative impact realized for adjacent land uses and the community.


The site’s access will be achieved directly off of Cabana Road, which could become congested during busier periods, most notably when the store first opens or during any promotional events. Special attention to traffic congestion and flow may be warranted in such circumstances, particularly in light of already heavy volumes of traffic in this general area due adjacent businesses and the nearby, busy Cabana @ Howard intersection.

Summary of Police Incident Data at Existing Commercial Plaza

An examination of police incident response data for the block of Wyandotte Street East where the store is to be located was examined. The data revealed the following:

YEAR NUMBER OF POLICE CALLS: 300 Block of Cabana Road East
2017 12
2018 17
2019 12
2020 6 (as of May 28th)
Yearly Average 13.7 police calls