

Proposed New Cannabis Retail Store 300 Cabana Road East (Suite 2) – Windsor, Ontario

Prepared by: Barry Horrobin, B.A., M.A., CLEP, CMM-III Director of Planning & Physical Resources – WINDSOR POLICE SERVICE

The following is a summary of observations, public safety issues that should be addressed, and recommended actions to be taken regarding the physical safety and security conditions associated with the proposed new Cannabis retail store proposed in south Windsor, just west of the busy Howard @ Cabana intersection. Information provided here is based on the universally known principles of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and both vehicular and pedestrian traffic impact, according to prevailing data and known experience in forecasting public safety impacts.


Situational Safety & Criminogenic Conditions

The property is situated within an existing commercial plaza in south Windsor, within a broader commercial area but also immediately surrounded by a quieter, low-density residential neighbourhood. Its physical placement supports reasonably orderly and safe pedestrian and vehicular accessibility to the business but a potentially complicating factor is that it is set back a discernible distance from the roadway, making the visual monitoring of activity more difficult. The site does present some possible public safety challenges that need addressing; in particular:

 The physical placement of the store within the commercial plaza is in an area of Cabana near Howard Avenue that has relatively heavy traffic volumes. It will be very important to ensure the safe accessing of vehicles, including police vehicles, can be maintained.

 The proposed store is very close to a new child care facility which may pose a problem for its compliance under the governing legislation. Proximity to a facility with a vulnerable population presents challenges to maintain social order.