City Council Decision Monday , November 18, 2019
Moved by: Councillor Gignac Seconded by: Councillor Holt
Decision Number: CR531/2019 That the following Communication Items 7.1.1 through 7.1.8, 7.1.10, 7.1.11, 7.1.13, and 7.1.15 through 7.1.25 inclusive as set forth in the Council Agenda BE REFERRED as noted, and that Item 7.1.14, 7.1.9, and 7.1.12 be dealt with as follows:
7.1.14 Application for Cannabis Retail Store Authorization for Rose City Cannabis provided to Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, 545 Ouellette Avenue, File Number 723929
Moved by: Councillor Gignac Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin
Decision Number: CR532/2019 That Rule 13.9 of the Procedure By-law BE WAIVED to introduce a motion for reconsideration of CR9/2019, which pertains to the delegation to administration of providing comments to the AGCO in respect to any applications for a retail cannabis license. Carried.
Moved by: Councillor Bortolin Seconded by: Councillor Mckenzie
Decision Number: CR533/2019 That CR9/2019 as follows, which was adopted on January 21, 2019 BE RECONSIDERED:
I That Council resolves that The Corporation of the City of Windsor SHALL ALLOW cannabis retail stores to be located in the municipality; and,
II. That Council ADOPTS the Policy Statement contained at Appendix “F” as a statement of the City’s guiding principles with respect to the