EGD rate zone

4. Initiation of Service

A potential customer that has applied for natural gas service is referred to in this section as the "applicant".

4.1. Main Extensions

Enbridge will extend its gas main within its franchise area to serve new customers when it is feasible to do so, in accordance with Enbridge's feasibility policy and procedures for the EGD Rate Zone. Enbridge will consider the following when determining feasibility:

If the cost of the extension is not economically feasible, the applicant(s) will be required to pay a contribution in aid of construction (or "CIAC") and/or surcharge. Enbridge will determine the contribution amount and communication will be provided to the applicant(s) in writing.

Union rate zones

2. Initiation of Service

2.1 Main Extensions

We will extend our gas main within our franchise area to serve new customers (or potential customers) when: