to the NPV of the net cash outflows for a natural gas system expansion or extension project undertaken by the Company.1

• Rolling Project Portfolio - An accumulation of the new business capital requisitions that are issued and approved for a 12 month period. The rolling PI is the cumulative PI data from the Rolling Project Portfolio. The Rolling Project Portfolio includes all future customer attachments, revenues and costs on the basis of the life cycle of each project. It also includes a forecast of normalized reinforcement costs. It excludes those customers requiring only a Service Lateral from an existing main.

• Service Lateral - A gas pipeline connecting the company gas main to the customer's gas meter as measured from property line to meter.

• Small Main Extension and Customer Attachment Projects – Natural gas system extension or expansion projects undertaken by the Company for which the PI is less than 1.0 and which will provide natural gas system access to less than 50 potential customers.

• Small volume – Gas consumption of no more than 50,000 m3 per year.

• System Expansion Surcharge (SES) - An economic contribution to financial feasibility of community expansion projects by all small volume customers who attach to the system as part of a Community Expansion Project during the period