4. The Company manages both of its portfolio approaches to achieve a Profitability Index (“PI”) of greater than 1.0 as required by the Board under EBO 188.

5. Individual projects are required to achieve a PI of 1.0 or the customer shall be required to pay a Contribution-in-Aid-of-Construction (“CIAC”) to bring the project up to the required PI level. In exceptional circumstances, a project may be authorized at a lower PI levels (i.e. between 1.0 and greater than 0.8) as long the Company maintains its overall portfolio PI above 1.0.

6. During construction and operation of each project, the Company will comply with Environmental Guidelines for HydroCarbon Pipelines and Facilities in the OEB’s Ontario.

Customer Contribution and Refund Policy

7. CIAC may be obtained for projects having a negative Net Present Value (“NPV”) or a PI less than 1.0. The contribution should be sufficient to bring the project PI up to a required level. Harmonized Sales Tax (“HST”) is added to contribution payments.

8. New residential customers connecting to the existing mains are provided, at no cost, with a service connection up to a maximum of 20 meters. Any service length beyond 20 meters is charged to the customer at a rate $32 per metre as prescribed in Rider G of the Rate Handbook.

9. The length of service for feasibility assessment is measured from the customer property line to the location on the front wall of the building where the meter will be installed.