Glossary of Terms:

Community Expansion Project – A natural gas system expansion project undertaken by the Company for which the PI is less than 1.0 and which will provide first-time natural gas system access to a minimum of 50 potential customers.

Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC) - The Company's calculation in accordance with its feasibility policy of the amount of customer financial contributions required to reduce the capital cost of a project to serve one or more customers so that the project becomes feasible.

Small Main Extension and Customer Attachment Projects – A natural gas system extension or expansion projects undertaken by the Company for which the PI is less than 1.0 and which will provide natural gas system access to less than 50 potential customers.

Profitability Index (PI) – The Company's calculation in accordance with its feasibility policy of the ratio of the net present value (NPV) of the net cash inflows to the NPV of the net cash outflows for a natural gas system expansion or extension project undertaken by the Company.

Community Expansion Projects and Effective Dates:

Expansion Project
SES Initial Term Board Order
Town of Fenelon Falls TBD 40 years EB-2017-0147
Scugog Island TBD 40 years EB-2017-0261