22. Following the end of each project's RSP, the following information will be reported for the most recently ended fiscal year for which actual information is available on a project specific basis:

Temporary Connection Surcharge (TCS)

23. Enbridge Gas is asking the Board to approve a TCS which is similar to the SES but will be used for smaller distribution expansion projects that will provide natural gas system access to fewer than 50 potential small volume customers in homes and businesses. This will allow for these customers to gain similar benefits to those being served by larger Community Expansion Projects.

24. Enbridge Gas's proposal for a TCS would apply to those small volume customers who would otherwise be required to pay a CIAC in order to make gas service to their property economically feasible at a PI of 1.0. In these situations, Enbridge Gas would have the ability to offer the TCS for up to 20 years as an alternative to these potential customers rather than requiring them to pay a lump sum CIAC prior to the in-service date of the facilities.

25. Enbridge Gas is proposing the TCS rate be set at $0.23 per cubic metre which is the same rate as proposed for the SES. Setting the TCS at the same rate as the SES also allows small volume customers to contribute a portion of their savings from