IN THE MATTER OF Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.15 (Sch. B), as amended (“OEB Act”);

AND IN THE MATTER OF Enbridge Gas Inc. for an order or orders under section 36 of the Act approving certain rate mechanisms for expansion projects and a capital allocation factor for project economic feasibility as per E.B.O. 188 Guidelines.


1. The Applicant, Enbridge Gas Inc. (“Enbridge Gas”, or “EGI”) is an Ontario corporation with its head office in the City of Toronto. It carries on the business of selling, distributing, transmitting, and storing natural gas within Ontario. Enbridge Gas was formed effective January 1, 2019, upon the amalgamation of Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (“EGD”) and Union Gas Limited (“Union”).

2. The harmonized System Expansion Surcharge (“SES”), Temporary Connection Surcharge (“TCS”) and Hourly Allocation Factor (“HAF”) that are the subjects of this application are required to provide consistency between the EGD and Union rate zones for Enbridge Gas. In addition, the SES, TCS and HAF will allow Enbridge Gas to accommodate the anticipated demand for Community Expansion Projects and Development Projects or other distribution extension projects or attachments without having to seek Ontario Energy Board (“OEB” or the “Board”) approval for the surcharge or allocation methodology on a project specific basis.