Item No. 7.1.1



Environmental Management Branch

May 15th, 2020

Dear Ms. Alchin:

We have received a copy of your By-law No. 114-2018 appointing Mr. Andrew Dowie as drainage superintendent for the City of Windsor. Our records indicate that Mr. Dowie attended and successfully completed the Drainage Superintendents Course in 2020 and has completed surveying courses at the University of Ottawa as part of his post secondary education in engineering.

Section 87{3) of the Drainage Act states:

Where one or more municipalities employ drainage superintendents who have qualifications satisfactory to the Minister, the Minister may direct that 50 per cent of the costs incurred by the municipality or municipalities in the employment of the superintendents shall be paid out of the money appropriated for that purpose by the Legislature.

The Minister has delegated this authority to me and I am pleased to give approval of the appointment of Mr. Andrew Dowie, as drainage superintendent for the City of Windsor. This approval is effective April 27th, 2020, the date the by-law appointed Mr. Dowie as Drainage Superintendent.