As at the end of 2018, the BIA had an accumulated surplus (reserve balance) of $45,741.

Ottawa Street BIA– Appendix F

The requested budget and related levy due from BIA members is $71,965, which remains the same as in 2019. The proposed 2020 budget, although remaining the same overall, proposes a reallocation of $5,000 from capital expenses to marketing for additional social media funding for rebranding and promotion of the area.

As at the end of 2018, the BIA had an accumulated surplus (reserve balance) of $39,186.

Pillette Village BIA – Appendix G

The requested budget and related levy due from BIA members is $40,000, which is an increase of $14,050 from that of 2019. The BIA has requested that City Administration consider a partnership proposal for improved street furnishings and image rebranding. The proposal is currently being evaluated by City Administration. The expected total cost of the project is estimated at $320,000 with the costs to be shared equally between the City and the BIA. In anticipation of the project, and to mitigate the annual impacts on its membership, the Board has included an amount of $10,600 as part of the 2020 budget to be set aside in a reserve until such time as the project can be vetted by Administration and a recommendation be brought forward to City Council for discussion and direction. Should the project not go forward, the amount would be used to offset future operating budget items. All other planned expenditures are generally consistent with prior year approved amounts.

As at the end of 2018, the BIA had an accumulated surplus (reserve balance) of $26,708.

Wyandotte Town Centre BIA – Appendix H

A request was received from the Wyandotte Town Centre BIA to forego the submission of a budget for the 2020 year as a result of recent events. The BIA indicated that any planned expenditures in 2020 would be made from reserves and therefore no levy was required from its membership. As at the end of 2017, the BIA has an accumulated surplus (reserve balance) of $110,937.

Administration advised the BIA that in accordance with the Act, an annual budget must be submitted regardless if the budget results in an annual levy. To date, no submission has been made.