- Bill Kralovensky
- Coordinator, Parking Services
- City of Windsor
- 519-255-6247 ext.-6103
- 519-566-6567 cell
- bkralovensky@citywindsor.ca
I think this could be facilitated with less risk than the road diet proposed for Riverside, only for the purpose of allowing social distancing on waiting to get into a business, and the road was properly barricaded in accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manual. I think if limited for this purposes, it creates less of an attraction, and takes on a functional purpose. I do still have some reservations about cars whipping by while people are standing on the road. During construction this happens, and hence why fines are doubled when speeding in a construction zone. There are no similar type of protections for non-workers that I’m aware of. We’d probably need a mix of reflective barricades and some type of physical separation between them for that extra safety precaution. Also, would the parking spots be opened just in front of specific businesses requesting it, or would it span a whole length of a street? If spanning the length of a street, then you start running into more of the issues we had with Riverside.
I think the 10 minute ‘curb side’ pickup idea is a great idea. I think it will be a great idea when businesses first open, but may cause some issues once all businesses are open, and parking spots become more sought after.
As far as the pedestrian pickup area, there are many concerns. Primarily with the fact that we are trying to cost out the cheapest alternative, where we should be looking at what is acceptable. Barrels should not replace physical barriers. We should not deviate from Book 7. Even with council approval, Ministry of Labor may have concerns.
Book 7 also states - For Sidewalk Closures of Long Duration (long duration is defined as greater than 24 hours), a Boardwalk & Railing should be provided instead of Pedestrian Barricades.
Also if only using barrels or devices with spacings, we may be inviting a lot more mid block crossings. We will be inviting people to a specific spot, and removing parking spaces for social distancing.
Locations should be looked at specifically. IE distance to alleys or other major driveway exits, bus stops etc.
Ideal locations would be in locations where bump outs exist.