This option would likely allow on-street parking to be preserved where it o currently exists in these sections.

At some locations in these sections, further detailed review is needed to o determine whether traffic signal poles would need to be moved for the road reallocation.

In the sections with a median and on-street parking, replacing the combined wide  parking/driving lane with a parking lane, bicycle lane, and buffer may be accommodated with negligible change to the capacity of the roadway for motor vehicles.

In the sections with a median and no on-street parking, removing one lane would  reduce the capacity of Wyandotte Street East.

This reduction in capacity on Wyandotte Street East may reduce the ability o of Wyandotte Street East to carry traffic diverted from Riverside Drive East, as envisioned in the Riverside Drive Vista Improvement Environmental Assessment.

Special consideration is needed at certain key points, including the intersections  at Drouillard Road and at George Avenue, and the connection to the Clairview Greenway/Ganatchio Trail near Vernon Crescent.


Figure 6: Example Existing and Potential Cross-section in BIA "Main Street" Areas (Wyandotte St. E., East of Pillette Road Looking West) If Council so directs, it may be feasible to implement a lane reallocation with pavement markings to provide bicycle lanes in the Pillette Village and Riverside BIAs to assist with physical distancing during the COVID-19 crisis. However, there would be benefit in delaying this work until after the Riverside Drive Vista Improvement project is complete in this area and the diversion volumes onto Wyandotte Street East due to this project are known.