Audit Type 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 (planned) 2021/22 (planned) 2022/23 (planned)
  • Asset Planning Methodology
  • None
  • Liquidity Management
  • None
  • None
Operational, Compliance, Performance/VFM
  • Social Media Strategy Assessment
  • Pursuit of Grant Funding
  • Legislative Emergency Management / Planning
  • Facilities Operations
  • WECHC: Asset Management - Housing Portfolio
  • Risk Assessment & Planning
  • Purchased Services for Winter Control - VFM Audit
  • HR Recruiting Process and Retention Strategy
  • Cyber Response Strategy
  • Security Programs & Safety Incident Management
  • Planning & Development
  • Risk Assessment & Planning
  • Covid based policy and practice amendments
  • Fraud risk mitigation enhancement
  • Risk Assessment & Planning
  • Small, Sole/Single Source, Emergency Purchase Order Analysis
  • Huron Lodge - Compliance Management and Quality Inspection Program
  • Risk Assessment & Planning
  • Transit Windsor - Service Delivery Review
  • Network Attack & Penetration
  • Risk Assessment & Planning
Fraud & Waste Hotline
  •  Concerned Citizen & Employee Hotline
  •  Fair Procurement Practices
  •  Concerned Citizen & Employee Hotline
  • Lancaster Stabilizers
  • Chimczuk Funds
  • Sewer Insurance Letter
  •  Concerned Citizen & Employee Hotline
  • Auditor General Complaint Handling
  •  Concerned Citizen & Employee Hotline
  • Auditor General Complaint Handling
  •  Concerned Citizen & Employee Hotline
  • Auditor General Complaint Handling
Follow Up
  • Q1 Management Action Plan Validation
  • Q2 Management Action Plan Validation
  • Q3 Management Action Plan Validation
  • Q4 Management Action Plan Validation
  • Annual Management Action Plan Validation
  • Annual Management Action Plan Validation
  • Annual Management Action Plan Validation
  • Annual Management Action Plan Validation
Management & Oversight
  • Management & Oversight
  • Ad Hoc
  • Management & Oversight
  • Ad Hoc
  • Auditor General
  • Management & Oversight
  • Ad Hoc
  • Auditor General
  • Management & Oversight
  • Ad Hoc
  • Auditor General
  • Management & Oversight
  • Ad Hoc