Appendix E - Summary of use of unallocated effort

Unallocated Effort
Activity Requested
effort hours
Auditor General Research, Memo and
Input/Discussion Memo
Management 55 We prepared a memo outlining service delivery options for the Auditor General and
conducted research on other AG offices. Some items are listed as follows:

Comparison of Auditor General & Internal Audit Model

Overview of Auditor General’s role based on research of the role of the Auditor
General of Canada (AGC), the Auditor General of Ontario (AGO), and the Office
of a Municipal Auditor General (MAG)

Overview of understanding of the various categories of audits, office of the AG
can deliver

Preparation of Auditor General Charter

Attendance at management, CSSC and Council meetings to discuss options,
approach and research outcomes
Total   55