1. Executive summary

Key measures: All Findings Significant Findings
Average age of open findings : 512 days 706 days
Average age of past due findings: 636 days 750 days
Age of oldest past due finding: 1674 days 1674 days
Number of Past Due Findings: 21 8

In the above, ratings consideration is also given to the number of retargeted observations with a rating reduction for every 2% of action plan dates retargeted for the first time in this quarter.

Opening balance (as ofDec 31,2018)
Additions in the year
Expected to be closed by Dec 31, 2019
Closed by IA
Accepted risk (No validation)
Open at end of period (A+B-D-E)

Open – On track

Open & Delayed
  (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
Significant 13 1 13 5 0 9 1 8
High 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
Moderate 17 4 15 7 0 14 5 9
Low 9 5 12 8 0 6 2 4
Not Rated* 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
Total 39 13 42 22 0 30 9 21

Scope Period: January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019

Approach: For validating management action plan, the activities undertaken by internal audit included:

Requesting status updates and contact information from management;

Testing/validating evidence of management's resolution/disposition of the original finding for items expected to be closed and/or indicated as closed by management;

Preparing a report on the outcomes of the management action plan internal audit activity.

Conclusion: In the quarter, in total, 52% of findings that were expected to close in the period were closed.

The overall trend for the year ending December 2019 has been classified as "Not Controlled" with an overall score of 26%.