
Finding Recommendation & Action Plan
1. Formalize evidence of ongoing flexible/alternative work arrangements
In conducting tests we noted severalitems where documented evidence was not available:
Evidence of agreements to day to daymodified hours may be verbally discussed and not documented.
Annual review of the arrangements and performance as well as agreement to continue the arrangement is not consistently and formally documented.
Management should consider documenting the flexible work program approach, ongoing adaptations (as they occur) and annual assessments thereof.
One mechanism already in place is the annual consideration as to if the arrangement should be extended.
At a minimum, management should document the assessment of performance over the past year and if the flexible arrangements/alternative work practices met the needs of both the City and the Employee and if the arrangement should be extended into the coming year. This analysis and determination should be documented and retained as part of human resource/personnel records.
Management action plan: Employees will be required to use Workforce Management to record time away from work to be approved by their respective supervisor/manager.Annual performance appraisals are performed with each employee and this will be an opportunity to discuss/alter an employee’s work hours if necessary.
Responsible party: Manager Community Development; Executive Director Human Resources
Due date: March 31, 2021