2. Leverage existing real time GPS records to improve vendor performance monitoring (operating effectiveness) Overall rating:Moderate
Impact: Medium Likelihood: Likely

Observation:Based on the GPS data extracted from Focus database and the assigned contractor routes provided by the Operations team, we performed data analytics and noted:

1. In seven out of 52 winter events the contractor had less than 99% of the overall coverage of all routes assigned to them by all the trucks; Refer to Truck Overall Coverage Maps in appendix D.

2. In eight out of 712 individual truck events the individual trucks covered less than 90% of the routes specifically assigned to them; (Refer to Example of Individual Truck Coverage Maps in appendix E)

3. We noted 12 instances where contractor trucks had more than one hour idle time during operations. (Trucks are entitled to half an hour break for every 4 hours of operation). The related Supervisor Logs did not have any specific reasons for the idles such as equipment breakdown or traffic accident, etc. The positions where the trucks were idle may imply that the operators were possibly taking prolonged breaks; however we cannot state that with certainty. (See Example of Truck Idle Map in appendix D).

4. During the month of January and February 2019, the contractor incurred 22 instances of no shows. The no shows were captured in Supervisor Log, however, there was no notice letter issued to the contractor requesting immediate actions to be taken to remediate the unacceptable performance. Management indicated that a meeting with the contractor was held to discuss such issues, however it occurred significantly after the fact on October 4, 2019 and we could not detect evidence of what was discussed.

Implication:Contractor not performing to the required standards impacts the City in achieving its goal of maintaining safe and passable streets to the public.
Recommendation:The Operations team should consider enhancing monitoring and measuring controls by leveraging existing GPS technology. GPS records provide visibility over the entire fleet in real time during the winter event. Operations teams may identify performance issues such as late arrivals, uncovered routes or truck idling for a longer period of time on a timely basis through monitoring truck GPS records. The issues should be notified to the on duty supervisors immediately so they may be addressed during the event. There should be a log to document issues identified, actions taken and outcome.
Operations management should improve contract management practices and hold the contractor accountable for service standards. A formal notice letter should be issued to the contractor promptly (within one to three days) when unacceptable performance issues are identified and formal requests should be made to the contractor to take immediate actions to address unacceptable performance. The notice letter also protects the City’s interest in case of any contract dispute in the future.
Management Action Plan
GPS will be used to establish an idle alarm which will indicate to the Technical Support person that a truckhas not moved for 30 min. Any issues found are to be called into the Supervisor for immediate action.The Technical Support person’s findings of their GPS analysis will be logged and documented several times throughout their shift.If there is an instance where the unacceptable performance issues arise, a letter will be sent to the Contractor with a date in which to expect a reply and remediation to the performance. Responsible party: Maintenance Co-ordinator
Due date: Q4 2020