Management action plan
a) Facilities will endeavour to ensure that security guard services contracts are fully executed prior to the expiry of the previous contract as the transition is made from one to the next. Adding a “service hold clause” will be reviewed and considered in the next RFQ. Responsible party: Manager, Parks &Facilities, Projects and Assets
Due date: December 31, 2022
b) Contracted security guards will participate in future emergencymanagement drills, which are coordinated with the department using the services. Responsible party: Manager, Health and Safety; Departments using guard services
Due date: December 31, 2020
c) Service level performance metrics will be reviewed and may be added to the next security guard services contract. Departments that are users of the services will monitor performance and provide performance feedback annually in accordance with Purchasing policies. Responsible party: Senior Manager,Facilities; Departments using guard services
Due date: December 31. 2022
d) Post orders will be provided to the security guard services contractor prior to guards starting in their respective posts. The contractor is responsible to ensure that the guards assigned to a post are aware of, and understand the post orders. Responsible party: Senior Manager,Facilities; Departments using guard services
Due date: December 31. 2020
e) The Corporation will utilize a format similar to that used by the consultant for future assessments. Meeting minutes for futuremeetings will be prepared. Responsible party: Senior Manager, Facilities; FutureCorporate Security Manager
Due date: December 31. 2020
f) Access to the source GPS for mobile patrolling units is notrequired due to the limited amount of mobile patrols. The additional cost of the service is not warranted at this time, but will be considered if required in the future. Responsible party: Manager, Parks &Facilities, Projects and Assets
Due date: Complete

3. Reported in the confidential package

Management action plan
A report to the council dealing with security is forthcoming. Administration will be seeking council direction, including the option to establish a centralized corporate security division. Although management agrees with the principle of the recommendations, the responsible party for corporate security is still to be determined.
Subsequent to the Council direction the remaining action plans or risk acceptance will be determined.
Responsible party: Senior Manager, Facilities
Due date: December 31,2020