Management Comments

Employees will be required to use Workforce Management to record time away from work to be approved by their respective supervisor/manager. Annual performance appraisals are performed with each employee and this will be an opportunity to discuss/alter an employee’s work hours if necessary.

Currently the Code of Ethics & Conflict of Interest policy are notations in the annual Performance Appraisal forms which provides for discussion between the supervisor and the employees during their Performance Appraisals as it relates to any conflicts, during these appraisals managers will continue to discuss any Conflicts that have arisen or may arise in the upcoming year. As well, all new staff sign off on a declaration that they have received and read the Conflict of Interest policy.

For employees wishing to have a continuous flex time arrangement/schedule, the current Flex Time form needs to be completed and as per the Flex Time procedures---“approvals will be granted for specified periods not to exceed one year...” we will look to see if these approved Flex Time requests can be maintained in the Workforce Management system as opposed to manually by departments as is currently the case

(Additional details provided in ‘Appendix C - Hotline Investigation Report - NTS 005 - FEB - 2020)