Figure 1: Area Map (2017 Aerial Photo)

Pedestrian Crossing Evaluation

Based on service requests received, Administration reviewed the existing school crossing to determine whether converting the crossing to a pedestrian crossover would be warranted according to Ontario Traffic Manual guidelines. As noted previously in report S 90/2018, this location does not meet the requirements for a pedestrian crossover. The results of the review are summarized as follows:

• The width of Cabana Road East at the crossing location exceeds the maximum crossing width for a pedestrian crossover recommended by the Ontario Traffic Manual (for two-way roads: 4 lanes).

• Most pedestrians crossing at this location are children who are crossing at times when crossing guards are present.

• The number of pedestrians crossing at this location is too low to warrant a pedestrian crossover except for a location on a “pedestrian desire line” (i.e. the path that pedestrians would naturally choose, taking into account the locations of pedestrian attractors and generators, distance to nearby controlled crossings, and connections to the wider pedestrian network). However, the crossing is a pedestrian desire line primarily because a school crossing has been provided.

Where the protection of schoolchildren walking to and from school is the primary concern for a pedestrian crossing, the Ontario Traffic Manual generally recommends a school crossing rather than other controlled crossing types. Since a school crossing is currently provided, Administration does not recommend any changes to the pedestrian crossing type.

Administration received a resident petition (provided as an appendix to report S 90/2018) that raised concerns about pedestrians other than students crossing Cabana Road East at the school crossing at times when a guard was not present. In response, Administration carried out an additional pedestrian count while school was not in session (Friday, August 31, 2018). This additional count found that 11 pedestrians crossed Cabana Road at or near the school crossing in an 8-hour period (8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.).

During the Cabana Road reconstruction, underground conduit was installed to facilitate pedestrian signals, should they become warranted. Currently, Cabana Road at Karen Street / Clara Avenue does not meet the warrant for traffic signals; Administration will continue to monitor the intersection periodically. If the warrant for traffic signals is met, Administration will bring forward a recommendation at that time.

Risk Analysis:

Risks were identified in report S 90/2018. No additional risks have been identified.