Streets that do not qualify for – or are otherwise unsuitable for – permanent traffic  calming measures, but have traffic issues that remain unaddressed; or

Temporary or seasonal traffic issues. 

In order to expedite the installation of these traffic calming measures and to be responsive to temporary issues, temporary traffic calming measures are installed at the direction of the Ward Councillor without a lengthy consultation process; each Councillor has an annual budget allocated for temporary traffic calming measures.

Since most of the allowed measures under the program are removable and – for the most part – lower-cost or reusable, they can be removed if they create a negative resident reaction or if the measures are no longer needed.

Most traffic calming measures installed under the program are removed seasonally to allow for winter maintenance.

Specific Measures that are included in the City of Ottawa’s Temporary Traffic Calming Measures Program are listed in Table 2. Measures that have special issues to be considered for implementation are noted.

Table 2: City of Ottawa Temporary Traffic Calming Measures

Measure (Source: City of Ottawa) Issues for Consideration
Speed display devices (permanent or
Pavement markings (e,g, speed limit,
“school” or “slow”)
“School” pavement markings are only
installed in school zones.
Flexible centreline signage This measure often requires a length of
on-street parking to be cleared.
Cycling delineators This measure is generally only possible on
streets with buffered bicycle lanes.
Gateway speed limit signs  
Community entrance signs  
Permanent “slow down for us” signage  
Planters on local streets to create
This measure often requires a length of
on-street parking to be cleared.
Flexible posts to create bulb outs or
This measure often requires a length of
on-street parking to be cleared.
Warranted pedestrian crossovers (PXOs) Measure
In Windsor, warranted PXOs can be
installed without going through the traffic
calming review process.

Ottawa’s Councillors and staff meet early each year before the end of the winter maintenance season to identify locations for the year’s programs. This schedule allows sufficient time for staff to coordinate the installation of traffic calming measures and to bring forward by-law amendments for locations where the traffic calming measures require on-street parking to be cleared.