
In response to two Council Questions regarding traffic calming (CQ14-2019 and CQ15- 2019), Administration brought report S 145/2019, ”CQ14-2019 CQ15-2019 Traffic Calming,” forward to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee at its September 18, 2019 meeting and then subsequently to Council.

This report outlined existing options for residents whose traffic calming requests were unsuccessful, including the Local Improvement Process and the Windsor Police Service Road Watch program. The report also provided a summary of measures taken by other municipalities, including temporary traffic calming programs.

At its October 7, 2019 meeting, Council passed the following resolution regarding the report:


That the report of the Transportation Planning Engineer dated August 6, 2019 entitled "CQ14-2019 CQ15-2019 Traffic Calming" BE RECEIVED for information; and,

That administration PROVIDE additional information related to costing of temporary traffic measures when this report proceeds to Council; and,

That administration BE REQUESTED to bring forward a more robust report on temporary traffic calming measures including information from other municipalities; and that this information BE PROVIDED at a future meeting of the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee.

This report provides the requested response.

Traffic Calming Policy

The current City of Windsor Traffic Calming Policy was adopted by Council in September 2015 and is scheduled for its 5-year review in September 2020.

A key feature of the Traffic Calming Policy is that it does not prescribe specific traffic calming measures. At the time the policy was developed, it was recognized that the spectrum of traffic calming measures available was changing rapidly, especially for electronic and temporary measures. The policy gives Council the flexibility to consider any measure that will address the identified issues in a neighbourhood, taking into account resident feedback and cost.

Previous Reports

At the January 27, 2020 budget meeting of Council, Council passed the following resolution regarding several reports related to pedestrian issues on Cabana Road East: