This reality leans in the direction of approaching any future RFP from a more flexible approach so that a scooter company can apply solely with scooters for example.

Item Windsor Staff Recommendation Lime Comment
Financial Contributions Required of Private Operators
All capital and operations costs.
Annual fees, daily per- device fees, and impound/repositioning fees for improperly parked e- scooters will be identified for the RFP.

Fleet operators like Lime are not opposed to fees. We simply oppose the form some fees take, particularly when there is a way for a City to secure the same quantum in fees by way of a different fee form that works better for industry.
Annual and daily per-device fees are large upfront fees before an Operator ever earns money in a City. This could potentially be fiscally challenging for operators, particularly in a post COVID-19 environment where ridership levels may take some time to return to normal.
Upfront annual fees and daily per-device fees are the type of fees that have caused the scooter industry to unfortunately make some hard decisions to pull out of some