
Council Report: S 47/2020

Subject: Additional Information - CQ 5/2019 - Implementing Red Light Cameras - City Wide


Mayor and Members of City Council To:


THAT the additional information report in response to CQ5-2019 – Implementing Red Light Cameras and Photo Radar BE RECEIVED by Council for information.

Executive Summary:


At the meeting of City Council on February 25, 2019, Councillor Costante asked CQ5- 2019 as follows:

“Asks that administration report back on implementing red light cameras and photo radars, including what other municipalities have these installed, pros and cons of implementation and costs of implementation. ST: 2019 February 25, 2019.”

An initial report SCM 401/2019 S 165/2019 was presented at Council on November 18, 2019. At the meeting, Council directed administration to prepare additional information, CR574/2019 ETPS 720:

“That administration BE REQUESTED to provide a report related to reviewing the potential locations for the use of red light cameras, and automated speed enforcement including location and quantity recommendations and that this information, when it is available BE BROUGHT FORWARD for Council’s consideration.”