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I would like to voice my strong support for the red-light cameras, given that a 3 month warning period when it starts. That way, it'll give drivers time so they can adjust and drive more safely. As someone who drives, I have an interest in lowering my car insurance rates, and one of the ways to reduce it would be to reduce the number of car accidents. And red-light cameras do that.

I also support having photo radar cameras, but only on the condition that fines are only issued above a certain threshold above the speed limit (preferably 15km/h, but I'll take 10km/h). They're fairly new, and that we're only human, and will bound to go a few kilometers above the limit. And getting fined for going 51km/h on a 50km/h street sounds unreasonable, and petty.

Given these two conditions, I support having more safety on our streets (and lower car insurance rates)

Thanks, Raymond Hoang Ward 7 resident