Moved by J. Macasaet-Bondy, seconded by K. Dohring, – That the Status update 2018 Road Safety Audit Items provided by the Transportation Planning Senior Engineer BE RECEIVED. Carried.

In response to a question asked by K. Dohring regarding if Transportation Planning will continue to provide this cycling data, J. Hagans responds affirmatively.

4.5 WBC Work Plan for the term ending in 2022

The following priorities for the WBC Work Plan ending in 2022 are as follows:

  1. Bike to Fireworks
  2. Develop a policy for parking at community events
  3. Address gaps to correct cycling infrastructure
  4. Promote commuter cycling
  5. Connect Windsor to LaSalle
  6. Increase cycling advocacy 
  7. Focus on socioeconomic areas connectivity for low income populations 
  8. Ensure bike friendly infrastructure is implemented The WBC should be included in discussion relating to safe infrastructure.

Moved by B. Hicks, seconded by J. Popham, That the priorities for the WBC Work Plan identified by the Windsor Bicycling Committee for the term ending in 2022 BE RECEIVED. Carried.

4.6 County Wide Active Transportation System

This matter is deferred as Katherine Wilson, Active Transportation Coordinator, County of Essex is unable to attend this meeting.

– 4.7 Lori Newton, Bike Windsor Essex Recommendations relating to the City of Windsor 2020 Recommended Capital Budget

cover page entitled “2020 Recommended The document with the City of Windsor – –Year Capital Project Listing by Major Category” and the first page Capital Budget 8 entitled “Bike Windsor Essex Advocacy Committee – January 9, 2020” is distributed and Comments from as Appendix “C”. the Bike Windsor Essex Advocacy attached Committee relating to the following topics are provided: