3. Disclosure of Interest
None disclosed.
4. Request for Deferrals, Referrals of Withdrawals
5. Communications
6. Licence Transfers
(a) Transfer of Taxicab Plate #003
Kamel Kakish, Transferor and Ilir Baci, Transferee are present to speak to this matter.
Moved by Councillor Costante, seconded by Councillor Kaschak, That the transfer of Taxicab Plate #003 from 1352063 Ontario Inc. to Mr. Ilir WLC2/2020 Baci with the following conditions: BE APPROVED
I. Mr. Baci be given thirty (30) days from the date of this decision to submit a vehicle for inspection that complies with Schedule 5 to By-law 137-2007 (amended by By- law 150-2018), including a valid safety standards certificate.
II. Mr. Baci must submit a Plate Holder application and pay the applicable fee.
III. Mr. Baci shall provide verification that full compensation has been made to 1352063 Ontario Inc. in consideration of the transfer of taxicab plate #003.
IV. Mr. Baci shall not lease the plate for a one year period as stated in Schedule 5, Section 21.3 of Licensing By-law 137-2007 (amended by By-law 150-2018).