The General Manager stated that AMO is requesting information by second quarter from municipalities. Municipalities will be asked to provide their waste collection contract end dates. AMO also wants to know if municipalities had a choice of when they would want to transition the Blue Box program to producers what would that date be as well if the municipality would be interested in providing collection and/or processing services to producers. The General Manager stated that AMO has indicated that producers might want municipalities to still provide collection services as producers know that municipalities have the required experience. On the other hand, AMO has indicated that producers may want to take on the task of processing recyclables themselves, for example, potentially consolidating recycling facilities.

Mr. Sleiman asked if the Board would make the recommendations solely or would the Authority consult with Windsor as well. The General Manager stated that the response to AMO’s survey request would be collaborative between the EWSWA and Windsor.

Moved by Kieran McKenzie Seconded by Gary Kaschak That the Board receive the Province and Environment Ministry Setting Up Working Groups re: Blue Box Transition to Producers Report as information. 77-2019

77-2019 Carried Unanimously

11. Finance and Administration

A. 2020 Budget Approval Update

The Manager of Finance referred to page 23 of the agenda package. At the Authority’s November 5, 2019 meeting the Authority Board approved the 2020 budget. Authority Administration attended the November 20, 2019 Essex County Council meeting to present the 2020 budget. She stated that Essex County Council approved the Authority’s 2020 budget at that meeting.

Authority Administration is scheduled to attend the City of Windsor Council meeting on January 27, 2020 to seek approval of the 2020 EWSWA budget.

Moved by Marc Bondy Seconded by Gary McNamara THAT the Board receive the EWSWA 2020 Budget Approval Status Report as information 78-2019

B. Summary of Legal Accounts

Moved by Gary McNamara Seconded by Marc Bondy THAT the Board authorize the payment of the legal account as summarized. 79-2019 Carried Unanimously