Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table SAA/5838

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services  
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service supports the closure of this alley.
A site inspection carried out on June 27th, 2019 revealed a
poorly maintained space with a noticeable encroachment of
vegetation. This creates safety challenges for the alley in the
form of reduced sight lines and added concealment capability
which promote loitering,
into abutting properties
for criminal opportunities, and an overall discreet space to
support unlawful behaviour/activity. In its current size and
this alley would not be useful
to retain as a
neighbourhood pedestrian connection and closure is therefore
the best outcome for this space.
Planning – Landscape Architect No Objections
Parks & Facilities No Objections
Public Works – Engineering The subject north/south alley closure is approximately 6.1m
(20ft) wide. There are no municipal sewers or manholes
located in the alley. There are no hydro poles or guy wires
located in the alley. It appears to be travelled, but not paved. It
is made of gravel. There is a driveway approach on the south
entrance of the subject alley. It is in good condition and made
of concrete. There is no garage access but it appears to have
backyard access to the 727 Assumption property (see photos
of alley). There are no encroachments within
the alley. It was
requested by the Operations Department
that the east/west
portion be closed within
this application; however, this
portion is currently used for parking access to 702 & 712, and
it is not recommended at this time. We request that the north
limits of this alley closure be adjusted to align with the north
property limits of 722 Brant St. There are no objections to
the closure of this alley.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns
Public Works – Transportation Alley
is gravel and seems to be used by vehicles. Gates in the
side yards of 722 & 736 Brant are used for pedestrians only,
not vehicles. There are parking areas at the rear of 702 & 712
Brant. There is also a garage door at the rear of 727