
Development & Heritage Standing Committee April 14, 2020 Written submission

April 9, 2020

Sent via email to

Agenda Item 7.2: Interim Control By-law 78-2019 Exemption Request 1790 Provincial Road, Windsor ON SBDRE (Windsor) Holdings Company Ltd.

Our File: SBD/WIN/19-01

Dear Chair Bortolin:

We are writing on behalf of SBDRE (Windsor) Holdings Company Ltd., the owner of 1790 Provincial Road (the “subject lands”). We are writing further to our correspondence dated February 24, 2020 with respect to our exemption request of the subject lands from Interim Control By-law 78-2019 (ICBL 78-2019) (Agenda Item 7.2).

Further to Staff Report S 52/2020, we respectfully encourage the Committee to select “Option Transport Terminal B”, which would permit a on the subject lands on an interim basis setback 100 m from the residential lands to the west. However, we note the operator will be required to use the existing western driveway as an exit as per the Long Combination Vehicle (LCV) Origin/Destination Location - Road Authority Consent permit of “Option from the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). As such, we request that the wording B” be adjusted to:

That the proposed Transport Terminal SHALL BE setback a minimum of 100.0 m from the westerly lot line, save and except the use of the existing western driveway along Provincial Road for the purpose of an exit.

Transport Terminal The subject lands are 14.76 hectares in size, and the use conforms to Industrial Manufacturing Districts 1 (Light Industrial / the designation in the OP and Business Park) Transportation Shipping (MD1.3) zone in By-law 8600. Restricting Transport Terminals on appropriate sites such as the subject lands has negative implications on the trucking industry and function of the larger economy. We respectfully encourage the Committee to provide reasonable exemptions from ICBL 78-2019 for sites such as the subject lands.

Furthermore, we would like to provide clarification of the proposed use from what was stated in Staff Report S 52/2020. There will be no loading or unloading of goods on the subject lands. Long Combination Vehicles (LCV) will enter the site, unhitch one trailer and drive out of the lands as traditional tractor trailers. In fact, we expect there to be significantly less impact on the adjacent residential lands from the proposed LCV Terminal Loading Compound than the previous use.