Pollution Control is seeking to hire Andritz Separation Inc. to prepare the drawings and specification for centrifuge #1 control system upgrade, which will be issued as a tender at a later date for a general contractor to supply and install the control system upgrade. The contract with Andritz Separation Inc. also includes the supply of PLC programming, start-up, commissioning and training for the control system upgrade.


Request for Proposal #170-19 “Consulting Services for Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant (LRWRP) Centrifuge #1 Control System Upgrade” was issued on January 8, 2020. There was one (1) proposal received for the project. The bid was submitted by Andritz Separation Inc. and was addressed in accordance with the single bid process under the Purchasing Bylaw.

The bid was reviewed and verified for arithmetic correctness and full conformance to RFP process requirements by the Pollution Control Department.

The final price for the consulting work, in accordance with the conditions for the RFP #170-19 Tender and after contract terms and conditions negotiations in compliance with the Purchasing By-Law, is $74,894.00 US Dollars (excluding HST).

Pollution Control is satisfied Andritz Separation Inc. understands the scope of the work and the schedule and are capable of performing the work in a timely and professional manner.

Risk Analysis:

In the event of a failure of the existing centrifuge control system, Pollution Control will be compelled to rent an emergency centrifuge. There will be a moderate risk due to the significant additional cost involved in renting a high capacity centrifuge. Additionally, a delay required to install a temporary centrifuge would reduce the sludge dewatering capacity at Lou Romano WRP, affecting both plant dewatering process and Windsor Biosolids Processing Facility schedule.

Financial Matters:

City Council has approved a total $360,000 for this project, 7172006 – LRWRP Centrifuge Main and Backup, as follows: $240,000 was approved by Council in the 2018 (B72/2018) and 2019 (B8/2019) Capital Budgets. An additional $120,000 was transferred into the project from project 7169002 – General Repairs in 2017 (B54/2017).

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