Item No. 8.4


Council Report: C 38/2020

Subject: Natural Resources Canada ZEVIP Grant Program Fleet Stream - Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Light Duty Vehicle Fleet Project - City Wide


Mayor and Members of City Council To:


THAT City Council APPROVE the Chief Administrative Officer to submit an application for the City to participate in the Natural Resources Canada - Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) for the installation of ten (10) Level-2 electric vehicle charging stations at the locations identified in this report; and,

THAT City Council DELEGATE AUTHORITY to the City Engineer to approve any recommended site location changes which may be necessary once a more detailed review of the recommended sites is completed; and,

THAT in the event the City receives written confirmation of the ZEVIP funding being awarded to the City; the Project’s costs are within their respective budgets as outlined in the Financial Matters section herein; and where the Grant provider confirms that expenditures as of that date are eligible, then City Council APPROVES the following recommendations:

- That City Council APPROVE funding for the City’s share for the capital costs related to this project totalling up to $135,985 be funded from the Fleet Replacement Reserve Fund (F136); and,

- That City Council AUTHORIZE Administration to seek potential sponsorships to reduce the annual operational costs estimated for this 5-year pilot project; and,

- THAT City Council APPROVE a Request for Proposals (RFP) be issued in accordance with Purchasing By-law 93-2012 and amendments thereto for the purchase of ten (10) dual-port electric vehicle charging stations, including the necessary annual agreements for the maintenance, operation, and connectivity of these units for a 5-year period; and,