Item No. 8.2


Council Report: CM 18/2020

Subject: Status of the Corporation's Unpaid and Paid Student and Work Agency Programs in 2019 - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION the report of the Human Resources Department dated April 23, 2020 entitled “Status of the Corporation’s participation in Unpaid and Paid Student and Work Placement Agency Programs in 2019”; and,

THAT City Council DIRECT the Human Resources Department to report annually to City Council the Corporation’s participation in Unpaid and Paid Student and Work Placement Agency Programs.

Executive Summary:

Administration strives to uphold our Corporate responsibility to all members of the local community by supporting our students, youth, the unemployed and under employed and in particular the members of these groups who face added obstacles, in gaining the skills, work experience and abilities they need to live productive lives, make successful transition to the work place and to thrive in the local community.

The intent of this report is to provide City Council with information as it relates to the Corporation’s participation in Student and Work Placement Agency Programs for 2019. As City Council will note, with three hundred seventy three (373) student placements in 2019, we remain on par with prior years in our assisting the community in obtaining valuable work experience within the City of Windsor’s extensive municipal government work environment.


Authority for the Corporation’s participation in Student & Work Placement Agency Programs is delegated to the Chief Administrative Officer through CR 467/2008, Appendix “A” By-law 206-2008, Section 1.37 Student & Youth Employment Opportunities Programs and by CR530/2006 and By-law 206-2008, Section 1.27 Work Placement Program Initiatives with accredited educational institutions and approved agencies that service disadvantaged underemployed or disabled populations.