City of Windsor Trust Investment Portfolio Performance

As of December 31, 2019, the City held $11.7 million (rounded) In Trust. The investments held In Trust returned a total of $324,521 in investment income in 2019, an average yield of 2.64%. This is slightly higher than the yields received on the general investment portfolio noted above. The benefits of being able to invest for longer term are evidenced by the higher returns achieved within the Bond portion of the trust fund portfolio as compared to the funds which remain in cash. These investments were made over longer time periods and were negotiated when prevailing interest rates, in general, were more attractive than those offered in the current economic environment. There is however a substantial portion of the portfolio which remains in short-term cashable investments. This is due to the terms of the trust agreements and projected need for funding which requires the fund to remain liquid.

Total, December 31, 2019 % of Portfolio, December 31,2019 2019Return 2019Average Yield





CashSchedule I Bank









Arts Endowment Fund Performance

On December 4, 2017, City Council authorized (CR760/2017) the establishment of an Arts Endowment Trust to provide an ongoing funding source, available in perpetuity to support, in full or in part, public art related aspects of City capital projects. Reflective of the long-term nature of this Trust, the funds were invested within the ONE Investment program based upon an asset mix of 80% Universe Bond Fund and 20% Equity Fund on April 3, 2018.