
A summary of the work completed to date as part of Phase 1 (Study) includes:

Compiled and quantified costs for the City's existing stormwater management services (quantifying assets, replacement values, operating & maintenance budgets, capital budgets, etc.).

Conducted individual Councillor interviews with the aim of sharing Study information and asking questions to gain valuable insight about the community.

 Undertook engagement and communication activities with the focus on building relationships, sharing knowledge and seeking feedback:

Solicited information/feedback from City Administration to help define the existing program and identify gaps. Topics included, but were not limited to: drainage problems; planning, design & engineering; operations & maintenance; regulation & enforcement; capital improvements & expenditures; stormwater management; etc.

Identified the Level of Service needs for the stormwater program.

Developed a program of services built on the identified Level of Service needs. Increased investment is needed for the required Level of Service needs and to ensure the stormwater infrastructure remains in a state of good repair.

Conducted analysis of various stormwater cost recovery options.

Commenced with evaluating the impacts of the funding alternatives (funding framework and rate structure, funding model, potential credits and incentive programs, etc.).

The next steps to complete Phase 1 (Study) includes:

Conduct Stormwater Advisory Group meeting No. 5.

Consult with the general community via a Public meeting. The focus will be to communicate Study information and to seek feedback about priorities and interests.