Item No. 7.5


Council Report: C 36/2020

Subject: 2019 Annual Report - Building Permit Fee Reserve Fund - City Wide


Report Date: February 27, 2020 Clerk’s File #: SB2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council RECEIVE the 2019 Annual Report on Building Permit Fees for information.

Executive Summary:


Background: Attached in Appendix A is a copy of the 2019 Annual Financial Report on Building Permit Fees to be received for information purposes. This Annual Report is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 7(4) of the Building Code Act, 1992 (BCA) as amended. Section 7(4) requires municipalities to report annually as stated below:

Every 12 months, each principal authority shall prepare a report that contains such information as may be prescribed about any fees authorized under clause (1)(c) and costs of the principal authority to administer and enforce this Act in its area of jurisdiction.

Municipalities are mandated to report annually the amount of building permit fees collected, and all costs related to the administration and enforcement of the BCA, together with a statement of financial position of any established Building Permit Fee Reserve Fund. Municipalities are not permitted to include costs associated with enforcement of property standards or other by-laws, nor can building permit fees be used to fund the costs of such work.