Risk Analysis:

Despite the issuance of three orders, we do not foresee any financial issues resulting from any of the MOL Field Visits detailed in this report.

Financial Matters:

There are no financial issues resulting from any of the MOL Field Visits detailed in this report, any training and follow up required was conducted by in-house staff.




Human Resources will continue to work co-operatively with our departments to provide education and support to ensure reporting requirements as identified in the OHSA and the CLC are complied with. As well, Human Resources will continue to work co- operatively with representatives of external agencies such as the MOL and Labour Canada when site investigations occur as per our applicable obligations in the OHSA and CLC to ensure accurate and comprehensive documentation and supporting evidence are provided as requested. Finally, Human Resources, in cooperation with our departments, Unions and Associations, will continue to work towards maintaining an effective internal responsibility system that supports the Corporate Health and Safety Program. Through these processes, our ability to manage and mitigate risk related to health and safety across all corporate sites will continue and thereby enable us to reduce injuries and illnesses, and avoid penalties allowable under the noted legislative standards.

Planning Act Matters:


Name Title
Julie Ryckman Manager, Occupational Health, Safety &
Vincenza Mihalo Executive Director, Human Resources
Jan Wilson Corporate

Recreation & Culture
Jelena Payne Commissioner Community Development &

Development & Health