Item No. 7.2


Council Report: CM 9/2020

Subject: Succession Planning: 2019 Initiative & Reserve Account Expenditures Update - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the Report from the Executive Director of Human Resources detailing the initiatives and expenses incurred through the Succession Planning Reserve Account (1784) in 2019 BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



The purpose of this report is to provide City Council with a summary of the program initiatives and expenditures that flowed through the Succession Planning Reserve Account in 2019.

Succession Planning is a strategic plan to successfully navigate personnel changes in the event of retirement, resignation, internal transfers, promotions, unexpected departures, discharge or newly created positions. The process includes identifying, developing and supporting employees to fill these key positions as they become vacant.

An effective succession plan enables the corporation to:

Have the right people in the right place at the right time 

Ensure the continuity of growth and leadership in critical positions 

Develop a qualified pool of candidates that are ready to fill key positions  Encourage and motivate employees to aspire for advancement 