The nature of these incidents typically involved activity such as security alarm activations, theft, trouble unknown, and fraud. In recognition of this data, it will be important to ensure any police-generated activity arising from the operation of the new retail store can be properly managed to maintain public safety.

Primary Drivers of Safety

Establishing and maintaining a suitably high level of public safety and security for a high profile commercial business such as this, inclusive of all its users, should form the basis for any decisions made hereafter that impact such. To optimize user comfort and enjoyment, and to optimize the facility’s social and economic value to the community, this must be the goal. In this regard, the following drivers of safety should guide decisions that need to be considered:

All employees feel safe to do their jobs and serve customers of the facility 

Customers, who represent a critical success component in this facility’s ongoing  operations, must also feel safe while attending the business and traveling to and from it The community’s perception of this important economic asset relies heavily on its  sustained reputation as a place that is comfortable, enjoyable, and SAFE

The community’s perception of this important economic asset relies heavily on its  sustained reputation as a place that is comfortable, enjoyable, and SAFE


The following suggestions, in no particular order, are offered for consideration from a public safety optimization, threat and risk mitigation, and general safety and security perspective. These ideas are intended to specifically address the three (3) key areas outlined by the AGCO to be considered according to the Cannabis Licence Act 2018; namely:

1. The property, presumably, will be subject to a comprehensive plan review and approval process for its building permit. It is critically important to permit the Police to thoroughly review all the many physical site features for the store and its surrounding lands as they impact public safety; namely: